Step 1 Focus both on your professional qualifications and skills
For an internal audit role, you need to focus both on your professional qualifications and skills as well as your prior work experience. Internal audit is a role that requires attention to detail and expertise in the function that you are auditing. It is therefore imperative to highlight these skills in whatever way or form that you can.
For example, you could talk about how you detected a loophole or identified a risk that was not spotted by others previously.
Step 2 Tailor your CV around job requirements
Internal audit is a broad function with professionals working everywhere from banks to manufacturing companies and governments. You also cover various functions like accounting, business operations, compliance, etc. So in order to apply to all these different roles, you may need to build multiple versions of your CV.
For example, if you’re applying to an internal audit role that focuses on auditing business processes, then you should tailor your CV around that requirement. This does not mean that you need to make a different CV for each job that you apply to. But you can have a few different versions that are better suited for specific groups. Remember that you are not putting anything untrue on your CV, but rather focusing more on specific aspects that are more relevant to specific roles.
Step 3 Tailor your CV around job requirements
Objectively quantifiable achievements always draw more attention than subjective statements. It can be difficult in an internal audit role where you won’t always be able to put an exact dollar value on what you achieved, but you should try to incorporate such numbers as much as possible.
For example, rather than stating that your job was to participate in operational risk audits, you should also state what the outcome of that activity was.
Step 4 Showcase end-to-end task management
It is also generally a good idea to showcase projects or assignments where you take ownership of the task from beginning to end. Internal audit projects can be complex, and most managers would prefer employees who are able to perform as much of the job themselves without the need for constant supervision. This is especially true in internal audit and employees with such skills can greatly enhance their chances of a CV shortlist.
Step 5 Be sure to flag up big data and data analytics certifications
Focus on any advanced technology skills or data analytics courses that you have taken. It might be a good idea to enhance your CV with a few courses or online certifications around big data, data analytics or other relevant courses in the roles that you’re applying for. Audit, like most business functions, is becoming increasingly data-driven and such skills included on any CV can mean the difference between getting a shortlist or not.
Download Internal Auditor CV PDF Example
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