FP&A Analyst Salary & Pay

(Note: Salaries can differ significantly based on industry, experience, and company policies. The above figures are based on estimates taken from glassdoor.co.uk.

As with accounting roles, there are variances in salary bandings for FP&A analysts. Many entry-level and mid-level finance functions can cause these variances. The differences may result from seniority, portfolio, geography, or size of the organisation. According to Glassdoor, the average FP&A salary is slightly higher than that of an accountant. There are fewer entry-level roles because the job is somewhat more specialized. Yet, there is more cross-industry compatibility within the function.

Most European countries pay between €30,000 and €50,000 per annum as a base-rate salary for an FP&A analyst. This will tend towards the higher end of the bracket in commercial and financial business centres. Examples include London, Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin, and Frankfurt. It will also affect larger companies, such as the Big 4 auditors. Yet, it’s worth noting that FP&As play a significant role in mapping business development and financial planning. As a result, the investment and commercial industries offer attractive career options. These options are for a diligent financial analyst. So the competitive salary on offer could fluctuate more, depending on the industry.

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Location vs Commercial Centres

FP&A professionals need to understand their critical role in the financial health of any company they work for. Like almost every role in finance, location plays a huge part in establishing competitive salaries. Yet, as mentioned above, FP&As are in high demand across various industries. The role is commercial. FP&As have unique positions within enterprises. This means location and commerciality can, in some aspects, be at loggerheads. This is because commercial centres of power, influence, and jobs are not necessarily the same as financial centres of power. This means that outlier cities, or areas within cities, may be attractive to FP&As looking for new opportunities. Yet, with less upward pressure on salaries, salaries could be lower in less competitive areas.

Job and Career Growth

The many paths of career growth for FP&As mean executive salary packages can also vary. The potential to earn €100,000+ is very high when FP&A analysts traverse into managerial roles, like other paths within finance. Much like accountants, having formal qualifications will drive this salary advancement. Yet, strategic, operational and executive training and experience will stand you in great stead.

Once established as trusted operators, FP&A analysts have many options available in their field. This range of opportunities dwarfs that of other finance roles. Options include operations management, directorships, commercial sales, finance management, and investments. Those roles need specialized training and experience tailored to a specific field. An FP&A analyst role provides baseline risk assessment and financial planning knowledge. It opens doors to a long, exciting career in almost any finance field.

See also Finance Manager Qualifications and Skills for reference here.

The following articles cover the job description, salaries, CV-building tips and more:

Job Description & ProfileQualifications, Skills & RequirementsCV Template & ExamplesHow to Become etc.

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