What Qualifications are Needed to Be an Asset Manager?
No matter what the core business activity of a company is, it would have to use various assets to achieve its goals. These assets can be physical, like the building the business operates out of or the machinery. They can also be digital, like intellectual property, patents, or even financial investments. In all cases, the company needs dedicated professionals to manage these assets.
Asset managers are highly experienced professionals who deeply understand their specific asset classes. Asset managers should specialise in a niche, such as infrastructure or digital asset management. They should avoid being generalists.
Photo by Nathan Kelly on Unsplash
Academic Qualifications
There are no strict educational qualification requirements for asset managers. A graduate degree is necessary, but the specialisation would depend upon the type of assets the manager handles. For example, if the company owns industrial machinery, a degree in industrial engineering could be valuable. Similarly, understanding IP or patent law would be important for performing one’s duties. This is especially true if the assets are mainly intellectual property or patents.
Asset management roles are open to professionals from many specialisations. Therefore, professionals with a wide range of backgrounds can enter asset management positions. For example, a company can manage assets considered artworks. Therefore, the asset manager must have experience handling those investments.
It might make much sense to understand standards like ISO 55000 for infrastructure-related assets. ISO 55000 is the international standard for asset management. It is explicitly designed for people and organizations involved in asset management.
The skills of professionals managing financial assets can be different. It would be best to have a degree in business or finance and then do an advanced MBA course. You can apply for several professional certificates. These include the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA). Asset managers work for companies managing financial assets. They also work for financial services firms. They manage the assets of third parties, such as high-net-worth individuals or retail customers.
Work Experience/Internships
Asset managers should focus on a specific area for internships and work experience. This way, they add the most value to their CV when applying for an asset management position. To get more tips about building a CV for an asset management position, please follow the article on CV building.
Another thing to note is that infrastructure asset management roles increasingly require an environmentally friendly approach. Any experience with that might increase the candidate’s chances of securing an interview call. Therefore, experience or education in the tech field is necessary for IT asset management. The right kind of experience is thus dependent on the type of role that is on offer.
What Skills Does an Asset Manager Need?
Domain Experience in Their Specific Niche
As we have demonstrated above, the actual job of an asset manager can be quite different depending on the underlying assets they manage. For example, it would make little sense for an asset manager who handles real estate assets to immediately switch to something completely different. They shouldn’t switch to something like intellectual property assets.
Therefore, asset managers need to double down on an area of specialisation. They should accumulate as much valuable work experience as possible. Many assets can be technically challenging or expensive. Therefore, asset managers need the right skills and domain expertise. They should manage those assets efficiently and derive the most productive use of them.
Asset Valuation
Performing a valuation of an asset can be as much of an art as a technical, formula-driven exercise. The reason for this is that the value of an investment from its future cash flows can be hard to predict and sensitive to hundreds of unknown variables. An asset manager would need to look at all this data. They would analyse historical trends. They made sensible predictions about future events to gauge an asset’s viability.
A valuation can become increasingly difficult for assets that have relatively long lifetimes. As the time of the projection gets longer, the accuracy of those projections undoubtedly diminishes. Asset managers need more than just technical analysis and modeling skills. They also need a sound instinct that comes from years of on-the-job experience.
Photo by Branko Stancevic on Unsplash
Multitasking Ability
A sizeable company will invariably have many assets to manage, some in-house. Third-party vendors might also control many of these. An asset manager would have the ultimate responsibility to ensure the proper functioning of all these assets. This requires the ability to handle multiple stakeholders and tasks concurrently.
In times of crisis, the number of requests an asset manager receives can increase exponentially. This can get especially tricky. The ability to gracefully manage the situation during such events is crucial for asset managers. Business continuity planning prepares for such eventualities, and asset managers are pivotal.
People Management Skills
Asset managers usually tend to work with a lot of third-party vendors and need to avail their services in a cost-efficient manner. Service-level agreements in-depth cover the majority of third-party providers’ asset management processes. However, asset managers still need to step in occasionally to handle any exceptions. The ability to be diplomatic and tactful in such situations can be invaluable.
These diplomatic skills are also necessary during the negotiation of contracts. These contracts can be part of the asset purchase or negotiations with third-party vendors to manage and maintain the assets.
Asset managers coordinate with the general services manager, the maintenance manager, and other such teams. “When it comes to managing internal stakeholders, they handle it in this way.”
Project Management Skills
The acquisition and maintenance of certain assets can be large projects in themselves. To manage these projects successfully, asset managers need to have the skills to manage large-scale projects.
Budget Management
Asset managers can add much value to the company through the cost-effective use of various assets under management. Today, it is not entirely uncommon to see asset managers with exact budgets for cost savings that they must achieve annually.
Managing your department or assets while keeping things within the budget is an important skill. It plays a prominent role in benchmarking the actual performance of an asset manager. Thus, this skill can significantly impact the year-end performance appraisal. It also affects the asset manager’s salary increments and cash bonuses.
Find out more about what being an asset manager is all about. The following articles cover the job description, salaries, CV-building tips, and more.
Job Description & Profile, Salary & Pay, CV Template & Examples, How to Become.
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See also the Operations Manager Job Description and Profile here.
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